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Losing a loved one is a painful and distressing experience. Nonetheless we are privileged at All Saints for having a churchyard where many hundreds if not thousands of people come to mourn their loved ones by visiting the plot where their loved ones ashes are buried. This can bring great comfort to those who mourn.


Please note - We regularly inter (bury) ashes of loved ones at All Saints. Scattering of ashes on the grass is not permitted in churchyards.


Please also note - Sorry but we sadly cannot book plots in advance. We can only arrange burials of ashes following the crematorium service or direct crematorium committal. This is because although there is still a lot of space in our churchyard it is not inexhaustible and needs to be utilised for the present moment and the needs of our parish today.


There are two options:





OPTION 1) GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE (situated right down the very far end of the churchyard past all the stone ashes plots)


In the Garden of Remembrance there is no stone or tablet permitted and ashes have to be buried loose. In other words only grass is permitted on top of the ashes.

The fees are £192 plus £35 for David and Helen Parry for preparing and filling in the plot and being in attendance.

There is an additional  £20 Churchyard verger fee which covers the work in advance that David and Helen need to take up looking for a suitable plot in the Garden of Remembrance. They also are  there on the day to assist the minister with the service.


Urns and boxes with ashes in are not permitted.    The ashes must be buried loose in the Garden of Remembrance .

Exact records of the spot where the ashes are buried are not made, though the family can make a photographic record if they wish further relatives to be buried in that area in future.

No memorials or any kind are permitted in the Garden of Remembrance .


When ashes are buried in the Garden of Remembrance there is a short service lasting a few minutes, led by the Minister, at the site of the ashes plot. This is free of charge.




In the main churchyard stone flat tablets are allowed for ashes burials but they have to follow the churchyard regulations - a maximum of 18 inches by 18 inches and only specific stone. You should be sent the regulations of the type of stone etc that is permitted.

Ashes can be buried single or double depth (double depth to make room for a further set of ashes in future to be buried in the same plot).


Families should consult with the vicar before making a booking so they are given a copy of the  regulations and are absolutely clear what the tablet dimensions and type of stone is. A copy of these regulations can be found HERE.


The tablet is ordered via the undertakers and is not included in these charges – it obviously costs considerably more than the price of the interment. The stonemason should forward a form to the Vicar for him to authorise the tablet.


We strongly discourage you using internet firms. We recommend you use local firms who work regularly with us at All Saints. This is particularly because they will have a duty of care for the tablet in the years that their guarantee is in place.


The charges for the interment are £192 plus £20 Churchyard verger fee which covers the work in advance that David and Helen need to take up looking for a suitable plot in the Garden of Remembrance and assisting with the vicar and family on the day.


Then there are the fees for actually digging the plot and filling in afterwards. This has to be done by David and Helen. David and Helen's charges are £35 for a single depth plot or £60 for a double depth plot.


Urns and boxes for ashes are permitted but must be of a small enough size to fit in the plot and they must be made of biodegradable material (so not plastic or metal). Please consult with the Vicar about these or with David and Helen direct.


There is an additional charge later also for the introduction of the tablet which is £89. This is usually paid by the stonemason who passes the charge on to you as part of their invoice.


NB Headstones  (upright stones)  are not permitted for ashes – only flat tablets. The placing of the tablet on the plot should be done at least a couple of months after the burial to allow the ground to settle. 


When ashes are buried in the main churchyard there is a short service lasting a few minutes, led by the Minister, at the site of the ashes plot. This is free of charge.




As this is a churchyard a religious blessing should be carried out by the Vicar or another member of the clergy authorised by him or her.  The service normally takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes. We always meet the family at the car park not at the plot so that we walk up together. Please let your family know that we are meeting at the car park if they are attending. Quite often it is just two or three members of the family who attend the service and there is no expectation that everyone should attend though some do invite a large number.                       Rev Simon Tillotson – 07833 448287



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