Every Thursday at 10am there is a Holy Communion service in the church with healing prayer - all warmly welcome
8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10.30am Sung Holy Communion (Common worship)
except for 3rd Sunday in the month​
Here is a list of preachers and celebrants and leaders
The below are simply the Sunday morning services in December and not our
Advent and Christmas Services
Advent and Christmas Services see
December 8th - Second Sunday of Advent
8am Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
10.30am Christingle Service with Holy Communion
Led by Rev Simon Tillotson with All-Age talk by Rev Jayne Edinboro
December 15th - Third Sunday of Advent
8am Celebrant and preacher - Rev Simon Tillotson
10.30am Cafe Church - leader and talk by Rev Simon Tillotson
11.45am Said Holy Communion in church - Rev Simon Tillotson
December 22nd - Fourth Sunday before Advent
8am Celebrant Canon Chris Morgan-Jones
10.30am Leader Rev Chris Seppala
Celebrant and preacher Rev Simon Tillotson
December 29th - First Sunday of Christmas
8am Rev Chris Seppala with preacher Rev Jayne Edinboro
10.30am Leader and preacher Rev Jayne Edinboro
Celebrant Rev Chris Seppala