Give a gift to All Saints Whitstable
If you have appreciated the ministry of All Saints Whitstable at some point in the past, and are grateful for its continuing ministry now, or if you simply are a well wisher wanting to help the church financially, then you can give online if you wish.
You can use this QR code
Or you can go directly to our online giving page by clicking HERE
Or if you prefer please make your payment to the following account
Account Name: All Saints Whitstable DCC
Account No.: 14372360
Sort Code: 30-99-61
International Codes if you live overseas
IBAN: GB41 LOYD 3099 6114 3723 60
Alternatively cheques payable to All Saints Whitstable DCC can be sent to us at
The Treasurer
All Saints Church Office
Church Street
Whitstable CT5 1PG
We are very grateful to you for your kind donations.
Please remember to let us know you are making a gift so we can thank you for it. Go to contact details on this website for contact information.